Lemonade Day Comes to Fort Atkinson


Lemonade Day Comes to Fort Atkinson

This spring in partnership with the Fort Atkinson Chamber of Commerce and Fort Community Credit Union, BASE will be participating in Lemonade Day, a program that teaches youth how to start, own, and operate their own business- a lemonade stand.  

Lemonade Day was started in Houston, TX in 2007 and has since expanded to over 60 cities nationwide with over one million youth participating to date. The goal of Lemonade Day is to give all children the opportunity to learn how to make money through their own business so they can “spend a little, save a little, and share a little”.  All profits from your child’s lemonade stand business are theirs to keep.

Through this nationwide program, youth learn how to set a goal, develop a plan, secure an investor, create a product, make a profit, and manage money. The culminating event is a city wide Lemonade Day on Saturday, May 4, 2019 when your child will have the opportunity to set up for business in public areas of the city with adult supervision. Health department and business license waivers have been secured for this one special day. Check out the article from the Daily Jefferson County Union on the city’s recent proclomation of May 4th as Lemonade Day!

Registration for Lemonade Day is now open. As of 3/20- you are welcome to register but you will not receive any paper copies of Lemonade Day materials. Please visit www.lemonadeday.org/Fort-Atkinson to register. We invite BASE parents to be an active part of your child's participation in Lemonade Day by being their mentor. While not required, it is a great opportunity for our BASE families to participate in this program together.

Registered children will be bringing home a Lemonade Day backpack that contains their personal Entrepreneurial Workbook along with a Mentor Guide for you to use if you choose to help bring the lessons to life. We will be teaching the lessons through our programs here at BASE and working with the Chamber to provide additional community support for this program.

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