Stay Connected and Stay Healthy - COVID-19 Resource Guide Spring Break Edition

Activities for Kids

Reading - Mo Willems Lunch Doodles. BASE has many of Mo Willems’ books at our sites and they have been widely enjoyed by the kids. Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore…

Reading - Mo Willems Lunch Doodles. BASE has many of Mo Willems’ books at our sites and they have been widely enjoyed by the kids. Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo's studio virtually once a day for the next few weeks. Grab some paper and pencils, pens, or crayons and join Mo to explore ways of writing and making together.

Arts - We picked a few spring crafts for you to try and enjoy.

For the flowers and fish crafts gather some plastic forks, paper plates and fish and have fun creating.

For the butterfly craft use a toilet paper tube, paper, and a variety of any other items to create and decorate a butterfly.

STEM - DIY marshmallow catapults are fun to engineer and make and you can use a wide variety of supplies to create your catapult (pencils, dry pasta noodles, popsicle sticks, sticks, rulers, spoons).

BASE Kids Lab - Use the BASE Kids Lab during your screen time to access a variety of websites and activities.

Daily Positive Message

We are so grateful to have had a great 2019-2020 school year so far with our BASE kids after school. BASE staff wish you a very happy spring break doing fun things to celebrate the great work you have done so far this school year. We look forward to…

We are so grateful to have had a great 2019-2020 school year so far with our BASE kids after school. BASE staff wish you a very happy spring break doing fun things to celebrate the great work you have done so far this school year. We look forward to staying connected & healthy with you and we hope you enjoy the activities we will share with you during your spring break.

Parent Connections

We are here for our BASE kids, families and community! Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns, or if there are any needs we may be able to help you address. We are connected to email and our office phones.

Check out our BASE Kids Lab on our website at We have listed this resource below in Activities for Kids and we are continuing to add a variety of quality online resources on a regular basis. We are planning some great ways to stay connected with daily blog posts!

According to Jefferson County Human Services, individuals can call the number below to be connected with resources for the Foodshare program, energy assistance and more.


Programs have been granted increased flexibility during this time, so even if individuals have not qualified in the past, they are encouraged to reach out.

Resources from the Fort Atkinson School District


Online resources for families (online learning resources by grade level)

Information About COVID-19

Johns Hopkins Medicine and All Children’s Hospital shared some information about COVID-19 on their website.


Stay Connected and Stay Healthy - COVID-19 Resource Guide Spring Break Edition


Stay Connected and Stay Healthy - COVID-19 Resource Guide vol.6