Lemonade Day Registration

Lemonade Day 2019.png

Registration for Fort Atkinson's 2nd Annual Lemonade Day opened on Monday, March 2nd. Please visit www.lemonadeday.org/Fort-Atkinson to register your child by Friday, March 13th. We invite BASE parents & families and Fort Atkinson community members to be an active part of a child's participation in Lemonade Day by being a mentor. It is a great opportunity for our BASE families and Fort Atkinson community members to participate in this program. Additional information about Lemonade Day will follow including mentoring sessions, workshops, bank loan day, and more. Lemonade Day in Fort Atkinson is scheduled for Saturday, May 2nd.

When you register by Friday, March 13th, you will reserve materials including a backpack, t-shirt, and entrepreneur workbook. A kickoff event is planned for Wednesday, March 18th, 4:30-6:00pm, at Luther Elementary School where materials can be picked up and Fort Atkinson entrepreneurs will be available to help with the lemonade stand business planning process.

There are opportunities to become a mentor, a Safe Stand Sponsor or volunteer. Participating in Lemonade Day empowers our Fort Atkinson youth to become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs. Visit www.lemonadeday.org/Fort-Atkinson and get involved in Fort Atkinson’s 2nd Annual Lemonade Day!


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