2019 BASE Penny Drive

7th Annual Penny Drive

An Initiative to Help Project Lead XXXI

Enhance the Fort Atkinson Aquatic Center

BASE staff and kids are excited to announce that our 7th Annual Penny Drive will kick off on Monday, February 17th! From February 17th to March 22nd we will turn our BASE Lend a Hand Community Service Project efforts towards collecting coins and donations. This year BASE staff and kids will carry out an initiative to help Project Lead XXXI enhance the Fort Atkinson Aquatic Center.

This Project Lead project is close to our hearts here at BASE. During our full summer wrap around program, we offer BASE kids the opportunity to travel with staff to the Fort Atkinson Aquatic Center 1 day per week for 11 weeks.

For more information on the Project Lead XXXI project explanation, opportunities to contribute to the project outside of participating in our Penny Drive, and information on Project Lead and Leadership Training in our community supported by the Fort Atkinson Chamber of Commerce, please visit this website link: www.fortchamber.com/leadership-training

All BASE sites will collect coins and donations from February 17 - March 22. Our goal is to collect $1,000. BASE staff and kids will handle the counting, please consider bringing your coins and donations to one of our 4 BASE sites between the hours of 3-6pm or contact BASE Director of Operations, Melissa Willkomm via email to arrange a donation time and location.


We look forward to sharing our Penny Drive collection progress with you through our BASE Facebook page and the Program Blog on our BASE website.


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