Giving Tuesday & BASE Lend A Hand Dec 3 Written By Guest User It’s Giving Tuesday and we hope you feel inspired to support a cause you love. With some great community service projects already completed this school year through our Lend A Hand program, check out how BASE staff and kids are using Giving Tuesday 2019 to kick-start their December projects to give back. Very proud of our BASE staff and kids who have been learning about philanthropy and the importance of giving, the foundation of our Lend A Hand Program. National Philanthropy Day on Friday, November 15th was spent brainstorming new community service project ideas. Stay tuned for our December Lend A Hand projects! BASE Rockwell is working on a special project using recycled crayons and creating a special, handmade item that will be donated. BASE Luther is working to spread the word about kindness through art and a special collection. BASE Barrie is preparing to make some people smile with their handmade crafts. BASE Purdy will be asking you to save a date in february 2020 for a special evening at BASE that will promote giving. Guest User
Giving Tuesday & BASE Lend A Hand Dec 3 Written By Guest User It’s Giving Tuesday and we hope you feel inspired to support a cause you love. With some great community service projects already completed this school year through our Lend A Hand program, check out how BASE staff and kids are using Giving Tuesday 2019 to kick-start their December projects to give back. Very proud of our BASE staff and kids who have been learning about philanthropy and the importance of giving, the foundation of our Lend A Hand Program. National Philanthropy Day on Friday, November 15th was spent brainstorming new community service project ideas. Stay tuned for our December Lend A Hand projects! BASE Rockwell is working on a special project using recycled crayons and creating a special, handmade item that will be donated. BASE Luther is working to spread the word about kindness through art and a special collection. BASE Barrie is preparing to make some people smile with their handmade crafts. BASE Purdy will be asking you to save a date in february 2020 for a special evening at BASE that will promote giving. Guest User