Lights on Afterschool Shines a Light on BASE

BASE celebrated Lights on Afterschool 2018 with a theme of Health & Wellness today at all 4 BASE sites. Snack time began with boxes of healthy KIND bars for each BASE member that we received by registering our BASE sites to participate in the Afterschool Alliance 2018 Lights on Afterschool event. Thank you to KIND for the delicious KIND bars and thank you to the School District of Fort Atkinson who provides our BASE sites with healthy snacks every day afterschool.

We continued our wellness activities during recreation time which we offer every day for BASE members. BASE sites participated in a jump rope challenge and BASE Rockwell enjoyed a football game.

Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial is a nonprofit financial company and provided our BASE sites with some amazing supplies that were perfect for us to use today. The company is built on community impact and being there for their members. As a company they have a youth development program which allows them to give free educational supplies to schools and groups such as BASE. A former BASE staff member Mr. Kyle saw this as great benefit to our BASE sites, that our kids could use and enjoy these materials. Thank You to Mr. Kyle for thinking of us and to Modern Woodmen of America (touching lives, securing futures). BASE kids loved the jump ropes!

We returned to the health topic during our Power Hour session which we also offer every day for BASE members. We distributed and reviewed 2 educational cards that were also donated by Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial. The cards educated BASE members on the ABC’s of Healthy Snacking, Good-for-You Snack options, Get Active options, and Food Group guidelines.

We made our afternoon program everything “Lights on Afterschool.” BASE staff and members participated in the light bulb challenge, completed a BASE word search, colored and cut a light bulb to display, and completed a writing assignment where they wrote and illustrated just what BASE means to them.


October BASE Kid of the Month Awards


Lights on Afterschool 2018 at BASE!