November 2022
PROJECT: made and delivered Hot Chocolate packets, notes and a base holiday open house invitation to elementary school teachers and support staff.
Project Reflection: We enjoyed making hot chocolate packets for our elementary school teachers and support staff to say thank you for all they do, Happy Thanksgiving, and to invite them to our BASE Holiday Open House on Friday, December 16th (more details for everyone to come to on our Holiday Open House).
November 2022
PROJECT: Fort Atkinson Holiday Parade (BASE FLOAT) and trash clean up, November 12, 2022, 5:15pm-7:00pm
Project Reflection: BASE kids, BASE Junior Staff, BASE Staff, and BASE family members will walk in the Fort Atkinson Holiday Parade and help with trash clean up at the end of the parade.
August 2022
PROJECT: car wash, lemonade, Bake sale and dog treats sale for l.e.t.t.s.e.w. (Law Enforcement Training Teams of Southeastern Wisconsin)
Project Reflection: BASE kids, Junior Staff and Staff collected $267.10 accepting donations for the free car wash, selling lemonade, bake sale items, and dog treats to donate to L.E.T.T.S.E.W.
July 2022
PROJECT: food drive for the fort atkinson food pantry
Project Reflection: Together we collected an incredible amount of food and other items to donate to the Fort Atkinson Food Pantry!
July 2022
PROJECT: 4th of July PICTURE Cards
Project Reflection: During our 2022 BASE Summer Program the kids, Junior Staff and BASE Staff took and mailed Happy 4th of July picture cards to some special people in our community.
JUNE 2022
PROJECT: JOnes Park Clean Up
Project Reflection: During our 2022 BASE Summer Program the kids, Junior Staff and BASE Staff worked together to clean up Jones Park here in Fort Atkinson.
APRIL 2022
PROJECT: 10th Annual Penny Drive. A fundraising effort for the united way of jefferson & north Walworth Counties
Collection totals as of Tuesday, April 19:
BASE Barrie = $ 26.98
BASE Luther = $ 20.92
BASE Purdy = $ 3.56
BASE Rockwell = $ 12.11
Additional Donations: $ 12.92
Lemonade Day proceeds: $ 266.05
GRAND TOTAL = $ 342.54
Project Reflection:
Decorate your collection bucket
Count the coins and donations when they come in. Keep a running total for submission every Friday.
Watch this VIDEO that is shared on the main page of the United Way webpage.
On the United Way webpage visit the Who We Help tab to check out their Partner Agencies
On the United Way webpage visit the Who We Are tab to check out their Mission
On the United Way webpage visit the Get Involved tab and check out how you can GIVE, ADVOCATE, and VOLUNTEER.
Take lots of pictures and have lots of fun collecting CHANGE FOR THE COMMUNITY!
MARCH 2022
PROJECT: BASE Give Back Video
Project Reflection: BASE kids made a GIVE BACK video to support Lemonade Day in Fort Atkinson on Saturday, May 7th, highlighting and supporting the Lemonade Day sharing goal.
PROJECT: Valentine’s Day Cards to residents at reena senior living
Project Reflection: BASE kids sent their love to staff & residents at Reena Senior Living in Fort Atkinson.
PROJECT: Giving Week, Giving Tuesday, and the December 4th Fort atkinson Holiday Market Hot chocolate Bar to raise funds for local charities
Project Reflection: During our Giving Week BASE staff and kids focused on gratitude and thankfulness. Kids got busy thanking our donors in creative ways. They shared what they were thankful for at BASE. They discussed and chose a charity to raise funds for during the Fort Atkinson Holiday Market on December 4th.
We raised $335.35 for the Humane Society of Jefferson County, Reece’s Rainbow, the Fort Atkinson Food Pantry and Paddy’s Paws
Project Reflection: On Friday, November 26th the ornaments were delivered to the Riverwalk Plaza in Fort Atkinson to be hung on the tree and displayed through the month of December.
APRIL 2021
PROJECT: 9th Annual Penny Drive. Supports purchasing and distributing memorial gifts in our community in memory of bryan palacios.
Project Reflection: All 4 BASE sites collected donations and when combined we had a total of $150! We will be gifting $100 to the Palacios family, and $50 to the Luther Elementary School Sensory Garden.
Collection totals as of Friday, April 16th, 2021:
BASE Barrie = $ 7.78
BASE Luther = $ 96.70
BASE Purdy = $ 3.13
BASE Rockwell = $ 32.30
Miscellaneous: $10.09
GRAND TOTAL = $ 150.00
Project Reflection: On Thursday, December 3rd the ornaments were delivered to the Riverwalk Plaza Tree Committee to be hung on the tree and displayed through the month of December.
Everything you need to connect with a friend, new or old!
Click HERE to connect to the Program Blog that provides information on Giving Tuesday May 5, 2020.
Penny Drive Collection Totals
Collection totals as of Thursday, August 13th, 2020:
BASE Summer = $ 246.69
BASE Barrie = $ 179.48
BASE Luther = $ 67.10
BASE Purdy = $ 79.14
BASE Rockwell = $ 7.87
Additional donations = $46.72
GRAND TOTAL = $ 627.00!
It’s August 13, 2020 and we are mailing our check for $627.00 to the Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors! Great job everyone!
Penny Drive information
PROJECT: 8th Annual Penny Drive-Supporting Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors
what are base kids are learning during the penny drive?
January 2020
Project: celebrate martin luther king jr’s challenge to be the best with the talents you have. share your personal passion by exploring the talents and interests of your own and others. The BASE Lend A Hand Community Service Program honors Martin Luther King Jr with this video and we pledge to continue our community service work to benefit our communities.
December 2019
project: Giving Tuesday Kids - Tuesday, December 3rd
It’s Giving Tuesday and we hope you feel inspired to support a cause you love. With some great community service projects already completed this school year through our Lend A Hand program, check out how BASE staff and kids are using Giving Tuesday 2019 to kick-start their December projects to give back.
Very proud of our BASE staff and kids who have been learning about philanthropy and the importance of giving, the foundation of our Lend A Hand Program. National Philanthropy Day on Friday, November 15th was spent brainstorming new community service project ideas. Stay tuned for our December Lend A Hand projects!

BASE Rockwell is working on a special project using recycled crayons and creating a special, handmade item that will be donated.

BASE Luther is working to spread the word about a special collection that will benefit kids at the Children’s Hospital.
BASE BARRIE IS PREPARING TO MAKE SOME PEOPLE SMILE WITH THEIR HANDMADE CRAFTs and a new/used toy drive open now through december 16th.
November 2019
Project: Fort Atkinson Riverwalk plaza holiday tree ornaments - Tuesday, November 30th
Project Reflection: On Tuesday, November 26th the ornaments were delivered to the Riverwalk Plaza Tree Committee to be hung on the tree and displayed through the month of December.
BASE kids will decorate and donate ornaments to the Riverwalk Plaza Tree Committee to trim the holiday tree in downtown Fort Atkinson for the 1st Annual Tree Lighting on Saturday, November 30th, 2019.
Riverwalk Plaza Tree Lighting
November 30, 2019
The ornaments are here and ready to be painted!
November 18, 2019
BASE Barrie was up first to choose a design and begin painting. The reindeer ornaments will be a great addition to the Riverwalk Plaza Holiday Tree. Great job BASE Barrie!
November 19, 2019
BASE Purdy was excited to get to work on their Santa design ornaments. Santa will be happy that his likeness was captured so wonderfully and so will the community members who see the Riverwalk Plaza Holiday Tree. Awesome job BASE Purdy!
November 20, 2019
BASE Rockwell felt inspired to create some beautiful star ornaments for the Riverwalk Plaza Holiday Tree. Amazing work BASE Rockwell!
NOvember 22, 2019
BASE Luther put their time and talents into creating the snowmen ornaments for the Riverwalk Plaza Tree. Super job BASE Luther!
project: National Philanthropy Day - Friday, November 15th
Project Reflection: Very proud of our BASE staff and kids who have been learning about philanthropy and the importance of giving, the foundation of our Lend A Hand Program. National Philanthropy Day was spent brainstorming new community service project ideas. Stay tuned for our November and December Lend A Hand projects!
What is Philanthropy? - video
This is Philanthropy and Service - video
October 2019
Project: candy collection for operation gratitude
Project Reflection: All 4 BASE sites collected a total of 12.1 pounds of candy to deliver to Rock River Dental to donate to operation gratitude. Awesome job BASE kids and families, staff and community members!
Candy Collection for Operation Gratitude
Monday, Oct. 28-Monday, Nov. 4, 2019
Ms Melissa and Ms Beth delivered the candy that was collected to Rock River Dental on Monday, November 4th, 2019